FlowWright.cDevDeAPI Namespace
FlowWright.cDevDecisionEngine Namespace

auditSource Enumeration

Enum auditSource

Namespace:  FlowWright.cDevErrorProvider
Assembly:  cDevErrorProvider (in cDevErrorProvider.dll)


public enum auditSource
Public Enumeration auditSource
public enum class auditSource


Member nameDescription
dataTypes The data types
steps The steps
businessObjects The business objects
eventDefinitions The event definitions
eventHandlerDefinitions The event handler definitions
eventSubscribers The event subscribers
dashboardWidgets The dashboardWidgets
configSettings The configuration settings
users The users
workflowDefinitions The definitions
formDefinitions The workflow definitions
dashBoards dashboards
reportDefinitions The report definitions
queues Queues
connections Connections
formWidgets The form widgets
globalizationData The globalization data
templateSteps The TempateSteps
enterpriseServiceBus ESB
forminstance The Form Instances
oauthConnection OAUTH Source
systemRole System Role
applicationRole Application Role
lookup Lookup Data
decisionTables The decision tables
emailTriggers The email triggers
fileSystemTriggers The file triggers
ftpTriggers The FTP triggers
rabbitMQ The RabbitMQ Connection
rabbitMQTriggers The RabbitMQ Triggers
ftp The FTP Connections
sftp The SFTP Connections
sftpTriggers The SFTP triggers
msmqTriggers The SFTP triggers
errorLog Error Log
microservice The microservice
packageXML the package xml
dfsStorageConnector DFS storage connector changes
dataBase Database changes
defaultDBColumn Default db column changes
orgStructure organization structure changes
emailTemplate The email template
userConnector The user connector
authProvider The authentication provider
authConnection The authentication connection
auditLog The audit log
engineService The engine service